Category: Portfolio

Social Media

Social Media

| 08/14/2015

Facebook updates, tweets, photos, videos, shared content and more.  Let’s face it, being on social media as a small business owner can be exhausting! It takes time and engagement to get the MAX out of your social media accounts. You need content to share and talk about, someone to chat with and help your prospective […]

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Direct Mail Campaigns

Direct Mail Campaigns

| 07/30/2015

Direct mail marketing continues to be one of the most effective marketing methods available for small businesses. To make this marketing style truly effective you must stand out! To get into the “A” mail pile (and not be tossed in the trash) you must grab your customers attention with something that is relevant and visually stimulating, […]

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Website Design

Website Design

| 05/29/2015

You know that a professional website design will generate more business, bring you more customers, and is a MUST DO in today’s tech-driven society. Oh, don’t forget that over half of online customers now shop using their mobile devise, so your website must be mobile-compatable or you could be loosing over half your prospective customers! […]

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Magazine & Newsletters

Magazine & Newsletters

| 01/30/2015

Magazines, Magalogs, and Newsletters are an amazing tool for small businesses and direct marketers. Magazines and Magalogs offer hard facts and photos using direct response copy and graphics that are aimed to sell skeptical prospects. Simply put, these forms of marketing get through to people because the format is unexpected, dynamic, and content rich. Our magazine and newsletters […]

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Book Covers & Layouts

Book Covers & Layouts

| 01/30/2014

If you’re publishing a book (online or print) a great cover design will be the difference between booming book sales or bookshelf obscurity. Here at Leap Frog Design Group we’ve got book covers and formatting down to a science, with several of our books hitting the Amazon Best Sellers list. One of the biggest problems […]

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Logo Design

Logo Design

| 01/29/2014

Your logo is more than just a font with a few colors and fancy images put together. Your logo is your handshake to the world. Every customer who see you and buys your product will identify your logo with YOU. For a logo to be truly effective the design process requires thinking, artistic inputs, systematic […]

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Signage & Outdoor Advertising

Signage & Outdoor Advertising

| 01/28/2014

You need a great sign, period. A recent survey (done over 10 years) asked businesses that installed a new sign to report when they received new customers. What did those businesses say? 45% of those new customers that came into their business for the first time did so because of the sign. A great sign […]

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